Identifying Human Factors for Remote Guidance on Physical Tasks

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, 2021, 12983 LNCS, pp. 271-283
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Remote collaboration is becoming increasingly crucial, especially currently when travel is restricted because of the Covid-19 pandemic. People are looking for real-time and no-travel solutions to enable remote collaboration with colleagues and experts. A lot of research has been conducted on how to support remote guidance on physical tasks. However, these studies have mainly focused on development of technical components to support collaboration, while less attention has been paid into exploring and evaluating human factors that could influence remote collaboration. The aim of this paper is to identify human factors including culture, language, trust and social status for their possible effects on remote collaboration by reviewing their effects on computer-supported collaboration. This review adds more critical views of human perspectives into the current research mostly-focused on the technical side of remote guidance.
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