An HHL-based algorithm for computing hitting probabilities of quantum walks

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Quantum Information and Computation, 2021, 21, (5-6), pp. 395-408
Issue Date:
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We present a novel appliation of the HHL (Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd) algorithm — a quantum algorithm solving systems of linear equations — in solving an open problem about quantum walks, namely omputing hitting (or absorption) probabilities of a general (not only Hadamard) one-dimensional quantum walks with two absorbing bound-aries. This is ahieved by a simple observation that the problem of omputing hitting probabilities of quantum walks an be redued to inverting a matrix. Then a quantum algorithm with the HHL algorithm as a subroutine is developed for solving the problem, whih is faster than the known lassial algorithms by numerial experiments.
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