Effective Brain State Estimation During Propofol-Induced Sedation Using Advanced EEG Microstate Spectral Analysis.

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, 2021, 25, (4), pp. 978-987
Issue Date:
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Brain states are patterns of neuronal synchrony, and the electroencephalogram (EEG) microstate provides a promising tool to characterize and analyze the synchronous neural firing. However, the topographical spectral information for each predominate microstate is still unclear during the switch of consciousness, such as sedation, and the practical usage of the EEG microstate is worth probing. Also, the mechanism behind the anesthetic-induced alternations of brain states remains poorly understood. In this study, an advanced EEG microstate spectral analysis was utilized using multivariate empirical mode decomposition in Hilbert-Huang transform. The practicability was further investigated in scalp EEG recordings during the propofol-induced transition of consciousness. The process of transition from the awake baseline to moderate sedation was accompanied by apparent increases in microstate (A, B, and F) energy, especially in the whole-brain delta band, frontal alpha band and beta band. In comparison to other effective EEG-based parameters that commonly used to measure anesthetic depth, using the selected spectral features reached better performance (80% sensitivity, 90% accuracy) to estimate the brain states during sedation. The changes in microstate energy also exhibited high correlations with individual behavioral data during sedation. In a nutshell, the EEG microstate spectral analysis is an effective method to estimate brain states during propofol-induced sedation, giving great insights into the underlying mechanism. The generated spectral features can be promising markers to dynamically assess the consciousness level.
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