湯呑の貫入に投げ込まれた「移動とことば」 (The thrown-togetherness of language and mobility)

Kuroshio Shuppan
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Mobility and Language 2 (移動とことば2), 2022, pp. 45-70
Issue Date:
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book front matters and chapter Emi Otsuji.pdf2.1 MB
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By taking an auto-ethnographical approach, the paper shows how the individual trajectory has impacted my research trajectory and interests, particularly as it relates to my understanding of ‘language’ (language ideologies). It shows how entangled trajectories have led me to think of language as multimodal, multisensory, and multilingual properties that are performatively produced in and through everyday practices (rather than conceiving language as a system associated with the nation-state, ethnicity and territory). Drawing on such notions as ‘metrolingualism’ (Otsuji & Pennycook 2010, Pennycook & Otsuji 2015), ‘throwntogetherness’ (Massey 20xx) and ‘polyphonic assemblages’ (Tsing 2015), the paper argues that the language needs to be seen as semiotic (meaning-making) practices whose agentive capacity should not be exclusively assigned to humans but rather needs to be seen as emerging from the assemblage of human and non-human networks. The chapter concludes by talking about how language, practices, artifacts, life trajectories, history, geopolitics, humans and non-humans are ‘throwntogether’ in the seemingly mundane practices of the everyday."
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