A Collective Feminist Ethics of Care with Talanoa: Embodied Time in the ShiFting Spaces of Women’s Academic Work

Springer Nature
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Reimagining the Academy ShiFting Towards Kindness, Connection, and an Ethics of Care, 2021, pp. 79-79
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Institutional structures of Australian universities are increasingly characterised by unsustainable practices of accelerated time and work intensification. This chapter aims to locate and analyse what a collective ‘ethics of care’ might look like as a response to these practices. It does this by narrating micro-stories of the embodied social practices of women-academic workers, drawing on experiences of time spent at an off-site group retreat. The stories within the chapter are carried by Indigenous Fijian talanoa ways of knowing and critical autoethnography. The use of talanoa brings a relationality to ‘self-care’, shifting it away from the individual experience towards a more collective movement. Doing this helps to recapture the pleasure and purpose that characterises ‘timeless time’, thereby positively influencing everyday cultures of practice in higher education.
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