Simplified Pain Matrix Method for Artificial Pain Activation Embedded into Robot Framework

Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal of Social Robotics, 2021, 13, (2), pp. 187-195
Issue Date:
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Physical interaction in Human Robot Interaction is a predominant factor to determine the existence of collaboration between humans and robots. However, a prolonged physical interaction may lead humans to experience what is called as pain which possibly arises due to uncoordinated movements between humans and robots, internal humans’ physical constraints or other feasible causes. This paper introduces a novel method,simplified Pain Matrix (PM), which a PM to generate and activate the kinds of synthetic pain embedded into a robot framework with simplifications on some features of the Pain Matrix. Two scenarios of experiments are constructed and dedicated to demonstrate the activation procedure of the proposed pain mechanism, and the results show a reliable outcome by accurately invoking a particular synthetic pain based on stimulus obtained from the robot joint sensor, which is then followed by reactive prevention actions generated by the Robot Mind.
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