A Metal-Only Partially Reflective Surface for Metallic Resonant-Cavity Antennas

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, APS/URSI 2021 - Proceedings, 2021, 00, pp. 573-574
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A lightweight metal-only partially reflective surface (PRS) is proposed to realize a fully metallic resonant cavity antenna (MRCA). This PRS comprises a 2D array of dual-layer unit cells where each layer is made from a thin metal sheet. The top metal sheet of the unit cell has narrow slots, while the bottom layer has crossed metal stripes. The cell provides a positive gradient in the phase of the reflection coefficient. An MRCA designed with a PRS made of this unit cell has a much wider directivity bandwidth. The numerical simulations predict that the MRCA has a peak directivity of 18.3 dB and a directivity bandwidth of 1.33 GHz. The overall design structure of MRCA simplified the fabrication process by eliminating the isolating dielectric layers typically used between metal layers, which consequently help to reduce the weight and cost of the antenna.
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