Covariance in Ordered Weighted Logarithm Aggregation Operators

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2021, 00, pp. 36-41
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Covariance_in_Ordered_Weighted_Logarithm_Aggregation_Operators.pdfPublished version136.99 kB
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Covariance as a measurement of dispersion allows knowing the behavior of one variable based on another. Its characteristic mechanism makes it a basic component in decision-making processes. This paper introduces some covariance logarithmic aggregation operators including the covariance generalized weighted logarithmic aggregation (Cov-GWLA) operator, the generalized covariance ordered weighted logarithmic aggregation (Cov-GOWLA) operator, the covariance ordered weighted logarithmic aggregation (Cov-OWLA) operator, the induced generalized covariance ordered weighted logarithmic aggregation (Cov-IGOWLA) operator and the induced covariance ordered weighted logarithmic aggregation (Cov-IOWLA) operator. The introduced tools extend the available information when using logarithmic aggregation operators, thus aiding decision and policy makers in the analysis of complex phenomena.
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