Fault Current Protection in distribution system connected EVCH: A Review

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2021 25th Electrical Power Distribution Conference (EPDC), 2021, 00, pp. 76-83
Issue Date:
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This paper presents various solutions to reduce or prevent short circuit damages in distribution system connected Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS). In EVCSs, medium voltages with high-level currents are standardized. Hence, protection against short circuit faults is a serious concern. Intensification of short circuit levels may lead to the entire damage to the power electronic equipment. On the other hand, the battery can be damaged on the Electric Vehicles (EV) side as well. In this study, the structural details of EV systems and EVCSs are described, and the fault positions in different parts of these systems are described. Finally, a comprehensive comparison of the protection devices is given.
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