Review of scalable privacy protection techniques in mobile crowdsensing service for security of data

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2020 5th International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems and Industrial Applications (CITISIA), 2021, 00, pp. 1-9
Issue Date:
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Mobile crowdsensing is a service based on a group of different individuals that have a device. The MCS (Mobile crowdsensing) is used for communication and transferring of data. It is capable of sensing and computing such data that are based on some information such as measuring, mapping, analyzing, and estimating. It can be used for effective decision-making in-crowd. The data generated in by crowd is used for task generation, and the task is assigned to different users and requesters. Due to numerous jobs, there can be a situation of task similarity generates, which may affect the privacy of users or workers in crowdsensing. The problem of privacy can be solved with the help of privacy protection techniques in crowdsensing. This work aims to propose a system based MCS technique for Privacy protection of data with proper scalability. CPP (Crowdsensing Privacy Protection) taxonomy is used that is based on the comprehensiveness and fitness of good. The usefulness of the proposed arrangement is explained by ordering 30 state-of-the-art solutions. Improved consequences are based on extraordinary assets and diminish of different MCS privacy protection techniques. It can be concluded that by employing the MCS privacy protection system for securing user data based on detection and learning algorithms with accurate dimensions. This research investigates the current innovations and techniques in the field of MCS for scalable privacy protection. Different relevant algorithms are used for effective decision making for users and requestors of MCS.
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