Product Design Education in the Wake of COVID-19: New Technologies Enabling Experiential Learning Relevant to Future Practices

Publication Type:
Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2022, pp. 317-345
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World events in 2020 conspired to derail on-campus teaching and threaten how educators and students engage with each other. Particular to the field of Product Design, an online situation compromises learning as students cannot access fabrication workshops and develop crucial three-dimensional making skills. Educators and students alike now understand the deficiencies of teaching and learning exclusively online, however, success was observed in subjects that employed new digital processes. A future scenario in which Product Design practitioners will use software to algorithmically generate and optimise forms for advanced manufacturing is a proposition that has recently been tested. This chapter expands on the outcome of a university-industry collaboration (UIC) research project that led to the incorporation of computational generative design and topology optimisation processes in Product Design subjects. The case analysis identifies a convergence of innovative technologies; new ways to optimise student engagement and the development of future-ready skills.
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