Intra-Body Molecular Communication via Blood-Tissue Barrier for Internet of Bio-Nano Things

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, pp. 1-1
Issue Date:
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Molecular communication is an emerging communication paradigm that allows bio-nanomachines to communicate using biochemical molecules as information carriers. It can be used in many promising biomedical applications such as the Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) for targeted drug delivery and healthcare applications. In particular, the blood-tissue barrier inside the body forms the main communication pathway for molecular information exchange between the nanomachines as well as between the intra-body nanonetwork and the Bio-Cyber interface in the IoBNT network. However, overcoming this barrier by the molecules is one of the main challenges for molecular communication in the body. Therefore, spatiotemporal modeling of molecular communication across the blood-tissue barrier is of particular interest. In this paper, we develop a mathematical model and stochastic particle-based simulator for molecular communication over high spatiotemporal resolution between mobile bio-nanomachines in the blood capillary and the surrounding tissue. The transmitting bio-nanomachine is modeled as a moving sphere with a continuous emission pattern over a specific duration. In this work, the blood capillary characteristics including the blood-tissue barrier and blood flow are modelled and their effect is examined on the molecular received signal. In addition, we examined the impact of the emission duration, the elimination rate, and the separation distance on the molecular received signal. The numerical results are verified using the developed particle-based simulator. This work can help in the optimum design and development of the IoBNT systems based on molecular communication for biomedical applications such as smart drug delivery and health monitoring systems.
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