A Blockchain based Privacy-Preserving Reputation Scheme for Cloud Service

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2021, 00, pp. 1-6
Issue Date:
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Nowadays, the quality of cloud services offered by different service providers varies greatly. Reputation mechanism, as a better service evaluation method, can help standardize and regulate the cloud service market. However, existing reputation systems either rely on a trusted third party with security and privacy issues, or lack reliable evaluation. To address the above issues, we propose a blockchain based privacy-preserving dynamic reputation mechanism for cloud service and a reputation management smart contract (RM) is designed to implement trusted reputation computation. The reputation integrates conformance trust in the subjective view and recommendation trust in the objective view together to provide a comprehensive evaluation. Besides, a miner selection algorithm is designed to prevent miners from launching a collusion attack. Moreover, the Paillier homomorphic encryption algorithm (PHE) is introduced to encrypt the sensitive data of customers, ensuring the security of data stored on the blockchain. Experiment results reveal that the proposed model is feasible and the performance of encryption is acceptable.
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