Simulations of Fall Cone Test in Soil Mechanics Using the Material Point Method

Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2016, 846, pp. 336-341
Issue Date:
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The material point method is a particle-based method that uses a double Lagrangian-Eulerian discretisation. This approach has proved its functionality for the simulation of large deformation problems. Such problems are frequent in geotechnical engineering, more specifically those related to penetration during pile driving and conventional in situ tests such as the Cone Penetration Test. The shallow laboratory fall cone test is considered in this paper. This test is widely used for the determination of the liquid limit of clays, but it is also used to study the relationship between penetration (h) and the undrained shear strength of clays (su). Simulations are verified against laboratory vane shear tests and fall cone tests performed on samples of kaolin clay at different moisture contents. Calibrations using a simple penetration-strength (h-su) model are made based on a single coefficient named the cone factor (K). The numerical results closely match both the experimental data and analytical solutions available in the literature.
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