Wide-band polarization independent perfect metamaterial absorber based on concentric rings topology for solar cells application

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 680, pp. 473-479
Issue Date:
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Since the discovery of metamaterial absorber to the present days, several designs were proposed which display single-, dual-, and multiple-bands absorption responses in almost all regions of solar spectrum. However, little work has been done for wide-band metamaterial absorber in the visible frequency range. Hence, a novel wide-band metamaterial perfect absorber (MPA) based on concentric Circular Ring Resonator (CRR) topology is proposed for the application to improve the absorbance of solar photovoltaic cells for the visible frequency region. The proposed design consists of three basic components as resonators, ground metal, and dielectric spacer. The geometrical parametric study is conducted in order to investigate the flexibility of the proposed MPA structure. The design flexibility also analyzed by the polarization angle insensitivity character, in which the proposed design provides the perfect absorption for different angles of the incident electromagnetic wave as well as for TE and TM polarized waves.
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