Convolutional Sparse Autoencoders for Image Classification.

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst, 2018, 29, (7), pp. 3289-3294
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Convolutional sparse coding (CSC) can model local connections between image content and reduce the code redundancy when compared with patch-based sparse coding. However, CSC needs a complicated optimization procedure to infer the codes (i.e., feature maps). In this brief, we proposed a convolutional sparse auto-encoder (CSAE), which leverages the structure of the convolutional AE and incorporates the max-pooling to heuristically sparsify the feature maps for feature learning. Together with competition over feature channels, this simple sparsifying strategy makes the stochastic gradient descent algorithm work efficiently for the CSAE training; thus, no complicated optimization procedure is involved. We employed the features learned in the CSAE to initialize convolutional neural networks for classification and achieved competitive results on benchmark data sets. In addition, by building connections between the CSAE and CSC, we proposed a strategy to construct local descriptors from the CSAE for classification. Experiments on Caltech-101 and Caltech-256 clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method and verified the CSAE as a CSC model has the ability to explore connections between neighboring image content for classification tasks.
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