Popular feminism and teen girl fashion blogs

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Continuum, 2018, 32, (3), pp. 345-354
Issue Date:
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In this paper, explore the popular feminism that is expressed through teen girl fashion blogs. Popular feminism is a nascent movement which displaces postfeminism as the dominant discourse of feminism in popular culture and, while it is a varied movement, view one important tenet of popular feminism as the connection wrought between creative media production, precocious girlhood and feminism. Drawing on a sample of fifteen teen fashion blogs, identify the defining themes of this genre before exploring the integration of popular feminism into the performance of the girl blogger identity. I see popular feminism as being incidentally inserted into the performance of girlhood and, notwithstanding the sincerity of the feminism performed by these bloggers, ultimately raise concerns about the exclusive investment of popular feminism within a media and corporate-defined performance of idealized girlhood which is currently fetishized as novel but understood as a transient condition of the female subject.
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