Depth-Based Hand Pose Estimation: Methods, Data, and Challenges

Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal of Computer Vision, 2018, 126, (11), pp. 1180-1198
Issue Date:
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Hand pose estimation has matured rapidly in recent years. The introduction of commodity depth sensors and a multitude of practical applications have spurred new advances. We provide an extensive analysis of the state-of-the-art, focusing on hand pose estimation from a single depth frame. To do so, we have implemented a considerable number of systems, and have released software and evaluation code. We summarize important conclusions here: (1) Coarse pose estimation appears viable for scenes with isolated hands. However, high precision pose estimation [required for immersive virtual reality and cluttered scenes (where hands may be interacting with nearby objects and surfaces) remain a challenge. To spur further progress we introduce a challenging new dataset with diverse, cluttered scenes. (2) Many methods evaluate themselves with disparate criteria, making comparisons difficult. We define a consistent evaluation criteria, rigorously motivated by human experiments. (3) We introduce a simple nearest-neighbor baseline that outperforms most existing systems. This implies that most systems do not generalize beyond their training sets. This also reinforces the under-appreciated point that training data is as important as the model itself. We conclude with directions for future progress.
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