Forecasting in service supply chain systems: A state-of-the-art review using latent semantic analysis

Emerald Publishing Limited
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Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, 2018, 12, pp. 181-212
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The chapter examines a comprehensive review of cross-disciplinary literature in the domain of supply chain forecasting during research period 1991 2017, with the primary aim of exploring the growth of literature from operational to demand centric forecasting and decision making in service supply chain systems. A noted list of 15,000 articles from journals and search results are used from academic databases (viz. Science Direct, Web of Sciences). Out of various content analysis techniques (Seuring & Gold, 2012), latent sementic analysis (LSA) is used as a content analysis tool (Wei, Yang, & Lin, 2008; Kundu et al., 2015). The reason for adoption of LSA over existing bibliometric techniques is to use the combination of text analysis and mining method to formulate latent factors. LSA creates the scientific grounding to understand the trends. Using LSA, Understanding future research trends will assist researchers in the area of service supply chain forecasting. The study will be beneficial for practitioners of the strategic and operational aspects of service supply chain decision making. The chapter incorporates four sections. The first section describes the introduction to service supply chain management and research development in this domain. The second section describes usage of LSA for current study. The third section describes the finding and results. The fourth and final sections conclude the chapter with a brief discussion on research findings, its limitations, and the implications for future research. The outcomes of analysis presented in this chapter also provide opportunities for researchers/professionals to position their future service supply chain research and/or implementation strategies.
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