Dynamic bayesian networks for learning interactions between assistive robotic walker and human users

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2010, 6359 LNAI pp. 333 - 340
Issue Date:
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Detection of individuals intentions and actions from a stream of human behaviour is an open problem. Yet for robotic agents to be truly perceived as human-friendly entities they need to respond naturally to the physical interactions with the surrounding environment, most notably with the user. This paper proposes a generative probabilistic approach in the form of Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN) to seamlessly account for users attitudes. A model is presented which can learn to recognize a subset of possible actions by the user of a gait stability support power rollator walker, such as standing up, sitting down or assistive strolling, and adapt the behaviour of the device accordingly. The communication between the user and the device is implicit, without any explicit intention such as a keypad or voice.The end result is a decision making mechanism that best matches the users cognitive attitude towards a set of assistive tasks, effectively incorporating the evolving activity model of the user in the process. The proposed framework is evaluated in real-life condition. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
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