Opportunities for Application of Disruptive Technology in a Disaster Management System to Address Gaps in Australian Bushfire Response

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Conference Proceeding
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Australia has recently experienced increasing instances of natural disasters, including floods, drought, and bushfires. The Bushfires in 2019-20, also known as Black Summer, were particularly impactful. This led to an in-depth governmental investigation of its management via Royal Commission and Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). Key recommendations for an improved disaster management system included removing silos, improve data accuracy and sharing, and using a systems design approach. In response to these reports, this paper explores how disruptive technology- blockchain, intelligent systems, and Intelligent Internet of Things (IIOT)- can be used to improve disaster response, particularly as it applies to bushfires in Australia. The method used to explore this was, first, a review of government reports on the 2019-20 bushfires to identify disaster management gaps and recommendations. Subsequently, a review of available literature was conducted to find how disruptive technology was being applied to disaster management systems. Finally, this paper explores implications of disruptive technology and presents potential next steps in research toward the future creation of a prototype.
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