Ultra Wideband Beam-steering at mm-wave Frequency with Planar Dielectric Phase Transformers

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022, 70, (3), pp. 1719-1728
Issue Date:
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In this paper, a new method to design an ultra-wideband beam-steering antenna system is presented. The system is completely passive and suitable for millimeter-wave applications, including some in defence, where both discrete and continuous beam-steering in two dimensions (elevation and azimuth) is required at a reasonably fast speed. The beam-steering capability is achieved using a pair of distinct low-profile and planar phase transformers (PPTs) placed in the near-field region of a fixed-beam radiating source. The antenna system demonstrates a steering and impedance-matching bandwidth of 28.6%, from 30 to 40 GHz. A prototype of the new antenna system, including a pair of thin PPTs and a completely automated mechanical system to rotate each of the PPTs around the antenna axis, has been fabricated and tested. The pair of rotating PPTs, equivalent to a pair of 3D dielectric PTs, introduces a pre-calculated phase gradient to the input near field from the fixed beam antenna and creates an output near field that will radiate towards a selected direction, which can be varied within a large conical region with a maximum apex angle of 108°. The system exhibits predicted and measured peak gains of 21.5 dBi and 21.7 dBi, respectively, and the measured gain variation over 2D beam steering is less than 2.2 dB. This beam steering method obviates the need for expensive phase shifters and distribution networks, which are also lossy at mm-wave frequencies. The measured results validate the predicted wideband matching and steering performance of the system with a close agreement.
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