
Publication Type:
The Rise of Right-Populism, 2019, pp. 1-25
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If viewed merely in term of Australia’s electoral politics, Pauline Hanson and her Party are of minimal interest compared with the main political parties and are prone to dysfunction at the parliamentary level. However, if we choose to look at their impact upon Australian politics more generally and society writ large, they have unquestionably played a salient role since 1996. Noting that Hanson has now enjoyed two iterations of electoral success in Australia’s federation, the first in the 1990s and the second from 2016, the literature generated from the first iteration is reviewed. The issue of racism , particularly toward Australia’s Indigenous population, and more pointedly the hostility directed toward a state that was perceived as favoring Indigenous Australians are discussed, alongside the policy themes of immigration, engagement with Asia, economic policy, and the broader impact that Hanson was having on Australia’s polity. The emergent literature on populism , in particular in Australia, is also examined. The discussions contained in this book are then described, organized into the four themes of IDEATION, ELECTION, POLICY AND POLITICS, and COMPARISON. Circling back to the concept of populism and the nature of Australian politics, we argue that populism generally, and right-populism in particular, will continue to have an impact upon Australian politics, understood as an electoral phenomenon and more generally.
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