Fashion journalism

Palgrave Macmillan
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The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women's Writing, 2022, 1
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Fashion following the collapse of the old regimes from the eighteenth to the mid nineteenth centuries became a more complex matter for women of all classes. It moved away from the world of the court to that of the actress, typist or even the university student; advertisements for servant girls stated “no corsets” and activist suffragettes adopted either alternative or ultra-fashionable dress; there was no one template for women and fashion in the nineteenth century. Whether celebrating, castigating or navigating fashion, fashion provided many Victorian women writers and journalists with both subject and object for their work. Since the late twentieth century, there has been a strategic campaign to recover the impact of Victorian women writers in the field of English literature. However, with the increased understanding of the importance of interdisciplinarity in the twenty-first century, there is a need to extend this campaign beyond literary studies in order to recognise the role of women writers across the nineteenth century, a time that was intrinsically inter-disciplinary.
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