Medicinal Plants Used in Treatment of Bronchitis

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Medicinal Plants for Lung Diseases, 2021, pp. 369-389
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Owing to the rapidly accelerated growth of resistance to the medications currently in use, respiratory tract infections are health concern worldwide. Inflammation of the membrane of bronchioles, which bring oxygen into and out of lungs, is termed as bronchitis. Bronchitis individuals also cough up thickened, sometimes discolored mucus. Bronchitis could be either chronic or acute. Traditionally, many plants are employed for the management of respiratory diseases. Mostly used species in bronchitis were Lamiaceae (23%), Fabaceae and Asteraceae (15%), followed by Solanaceae (11%) and others. The bulk of acute and chronic bronchitis herbal composition was obtained from leaves (39%), followed by bark/stem (10%), whole plant (9%), fruits, nuts, and berries (9%), and roots and rhizomes (9%), while seeds and flowers (9% and 7%) were used less frequently. The WHO recognizes conventional medicines as an important cornerstone for healthcare services, especially in developing and expansive countries, viz. India. Today, there is an awareness that the vast reservoir of wisdom along with the cultural experience connected with them must be maintained. The biodiversity must not only be preserved, but also the information frequently retained in the minds of elderly native and traditional healing practices must be archived. A revival in the utilization of herbal remedies has been seen in the last couple of years. The literature on pharmacological usage of plants for bronchitis and some other respiratory diseases has become expansive by ethnopharmacological research. This chapter aims to offer a description of plant species used in bronchitis in conventional respiratory therapies.
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