Medicinal Plant-Based Advanced Drug Delivery System for the Treatment of Chronic Lung Diseases

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Medicinal Plants for Lung Diseases, 2021, pp. 557-582
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Lung disease represents a significant medical problem worldwide. They are usually treated by different synthetic drugs. Yet, incessant high-portion of oral and injectable medications may prompt extreme side effects and at this crossroad, there is a requirement of inhaled formulations that encourage successful medication to the pulmonary routes with no adverse effects. Chemicals isolated form plants, i.e. Common phytoconstituents or phytoalexin (for example, plant anti-microbials) have indicated a remarkable treatment cluster with least adverse effects and incredible ability to treat intrapulmonary and extrapulmonary illnesses contrasted with synthetic medications. In addition, the advancement and integration of various sciences, for example, nanoscience, polymer sciences, material science, and molecule designing along with particles shape and size analysis permits further improvement of the treatment capacity and productivity. This chapter highlights the plant-based advanced drug delivery system for the treatment of chronic lung diseases. Moreover, it also facilitates the scientist with some fundamental foundation data to phytochemical profile, plan prerequisites and medication conveyance frameworks
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