Exploring the experiences of children whose parents are incarcerated

Three Quays Publishing
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Abuse An International Impact Journal, 2022, 3, (1), pp. 74-86
Issue Date:
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ChildrenIncarceratedParents_CarrollBirch_Abuse_Journal_Vol3_no1_2022_pp_74_86.pdfPublished version289.24 kB
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This article presents a component of analysis undertaken as part of a larger study that examined how incarcerated parents reconnect with their children upon release from prison. In this paper children’s experience of that process are presented. Using a Rapid Evidence Assessment framework, themes yielded from the analysis centred on: (1) the formal and informal support available to children who experience separation from one or both parents who are in prison, (2) the long-term effects absent parents have on children’s lives, and (3) exploring the experience children have once a parent is released from prison. The paper concludes by reflecting on throughcare and resettlement processes that children are faced with following parental incarceration.
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