Cleaner and safer disposal of electrolytic manganese residues in cement-based materials using direct electric curing
- Publisher:
- Publication Type:
- Journal Article
- Citation:
- Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 356
- Issue Date:
- 2022-07-01
Open Access
Copyright Clearance Process
- Recently Added
- In Progress
- Open Access
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The direct stockpiling of electrolytic manganese residues (EMR) poses a major environmental issue, and more eco-friendly disposal is urgently needed. The combination of cement solidified waste (CSW) and direct electric curing (DEC) provides a potential solution for hazard-free value-added utilization of EMR. The effects of DEC voltages and EMR dosages on mechanical properties, hydrated products, pore structure of mixture were investigated. The influencing mechanism of DEC on the properties of cement hydration was explored in-depth using TG and XRD results. The environmental and economic evolution of DEC was analyzed, and the leaching test was conducted to evaluate the immobilization of heavy metals. Results indicate that cement-EMR pastes cured in higher DEC voltage and reduced EMR dosage increase mechanical strength and improve pore structure and capillary water absorption with respect to indoor curing (IC). The increased cement dosage improves the effectiveness of CSW, while the increased DEC voltage enhances the ionic driving force. The boosted ettringite formation occurs in system after introducing DEC and amplifying the DEC voltage. The improvement of ion concentration in DEC accelerates the formation of hydration products. The CO2-e per MPa (EIF) and cost per MPa (CIF) values of paste DMP-7 cured in 12V-DEC exhibit the lowest values with respect to those cured in other voltages and IC. The decrease in the leaching amount of Mn2+ and NH4+-N as the DEC voltage increases, and the 28-d leaching concentration of Mn2+ and NH4+-N in pastes are in accordance with the national standards. The application of DEC and cement-solidified disposal for EMR could provide a potential solution for high-value and large-capacity disposal of hazardous solid waste.
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