Gaining perspective on one's own practice: reflections on a model for structuring practice-led research

The University of New South Wales
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
CONNECTED 2010 International Conference on Design Education, 2010, pp. 1 - 6
Issue Date:
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In this paper we discuss a model for structuring practice led research projects. We present a theoretical rationale for the model, drawing on Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus' studies of expertise, focusing on the claim that in order to develop their performance, experts must develop the capacity to grasp practice situations from new perspectives. We discuss three aspects of the application of the model: the identification of a research question; the identification of alternative frames for practice; and the use of these frames to structure the practice led enquiry. We discuss some of the advantages of the model. these include: supporting the practitioner-researcher in moving beyond their own existing 'habits' of practice; ensuring that an appropriate breadth of approaches to practice are explored; integrating the investigation of historical and contemporary precedents with the practice components of the research; and introducing a degree of objectivity in to the evaluation of the research.
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