A Risk-Based Cost Contingency Estimation Model for Infrastructure Projects

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
ICCREM 2016: BIM Application and Offsite Construction - Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management, 2016, pp. 1293-1303
Issue Date:
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Cost overrun of infrastructure projects is widespread and represents significant financial risks to stakeholders. The cluster analysis on the data of 41 commonly cited causes identified four dimensions of causes: scope changes, market and regulatory uncertainty, inadequate planning and control, and unforeseen circumstances. Subsequently, these four dimensions were then used to develop a risk-based cost contingency estimation model (RBCCEM) to improve the accuracy of cost contingency estimation which was then validated using a bootstrapping approach. The accuracy of the cost estimation measures was used to compare RBCCEM with other methods, namely fixed cost contingency, reference class forecasting, and a hybrid method. The findings suggested that RBCCEM could be more accurate as the error decreased by 10%. As a result, RBCCEM produces contingency estimates that are more consistent and brings project costs closer to actual costs than alternative approaches, such as reference class forecasting (RCF).
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