Critical Public Pedagogies of DYI

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The SAGE Handbook of Critical Pedagogies, 2020, 3, pp. 1191-1205
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As a ‘big tent’ movement, the field of critical pedagogy is diffuse and encompasses a broad range of meanings, projects and geographies (Lather, 1998: 487; Martin and Brown, 2013). However, while critical pedagogy has some currency and traction in formal education contexts, it is not always immediately visible within social movement contexts, including new and emergent forms of Do-it-Yourself (DIY) and grassroots activism. Yet, even if it is not formally acknowledged as such, critical pedagogy finds expression in a myriad of forms, from ‘toxic tours’ that provide opportunities to learn about the effects of environmental racism (Su and Jagninski, 2013: 111) to the use of art and craft
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