Policy-based Interaction Model for Detection and Prediction of Cloud Security Breaches

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 2021, 9, (2), pp. 92-116
Issue Date:
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The ever-increasing number and gravity of cyberattacks against the cloud's assets, together with the introduction of new technologies, have brought about many severe cloud security issues. The main challenge is finding effective mechanisms for constructing dynamic isolation boundaries for securing cloud assets at different cloud infrastructure levels. Our security architecture tackles these issues by introducing a policy-driven interaction model. The model is governed by cloud system security policies and constrained by cloud interacting entities' locations and levels. Security policies are used to construct security boundaries between cloud objects at their interaction level. The novel interaction model relies on its unique parameters to develop an agile detection and prediction mechanism of security threats against cloud resources. The proposed policy-based interaction model and its interaction security algorithms are developed to protect cloud resources. The model deals with external and internal interactions among entities representing diverse participating elements of different complexity levels in a cloud environment. We build a security controller and simulate various scenarios for testing the proposed interaction model and security algorithms.
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