Multiobjective Reinforcement Learning-Based Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Portrait Parsing.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Trans Cybern, 2022, PP, (2), pp. 1158-1169
Issue Date:
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This article dedicates to automatically explore efficient portrait parsing models that are easily deployed in edge computing or terminal devices. In the interest of the tradeoff between the resource cost and performance, we design the multiobjective reinforcement learning (RL)-based neural architecture search (NAS) scheme, which comprehensively balances the accuracy, parameters, FLOPs, and inference latency. Finally, under varying hyperparameter configurations, the search procedure emits a bunch of excellent objective-oriented architectures. The combination of two-stage training with precomputing and memory-resident feature maps effectively reduces the time consumption of the RL-based NAS method, so that we complete approximately 1000 search iterations in two GPU days. To accelerate the convergence of the lightweight candidate architecture, we incorporate knowledge distillation into the training of the search process. This also provides a reasonable evaluation signal to the RL controller that enables it to converge well. In the end, we conduct full training with outstanding Pareto-optimal architectures, so that a series of excellent portrait parsing models (with only approximately 0.3M parameters) is received. Furthermore, we directly transfer the architectures searched on CelebAMask-HQ (Portrait Parsing) to other portrait and face segmentation tasks. Finally, we achieve the state-of-the-art performance of 96.5% MIOU on EG1800 (portrait segmentation) and 91.6% overall F1-score on HELEN (face labeling). That is, our models significantly surpass the artificial network on the accuracy, but with lower resource consumption and higher real-time performance.
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