Synthesizing Shaped-Beam Cylindrical Conformal Array Considering Mutual Coupling Using Refined Rotation/Phase Optimization

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022, 70, (11), pp. 10543-10553
Issue Date:
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A novel method of synthesizing shaped-beam cylindrical conformal array by rotating the antenna elements and optimizing their excitation phases is presented. Rotation of antennas on curved surface is mathematically described by rotating its vectorial active element pattern (VAEP) in its local coordinate system (LCS). Then the scalar patterns and polarization unit vectors of all the rotated VAEPs are properly transformed and then interpolated at a unified angle sampling grid in a common coordinate system, where they are summed to obtain an approximated array expression. With this expression, element rotations and phases can be optimized using the constriction factor particle swarm optimization (CF-PSO) to synthesize desired shaped-beam pattern with controlled sidelobe level (SLL) and cross-polarization level (XPL). However, since rotations on curved surface introduce considerable variations to the element curvature and mutual coupling (MC), the synthesized array pattern would have considerable errors. A refined strategy is adopted then to improve the synthesis accuracy. The proposed method uses uniform amplitude weighting, thus saving many unequal power dividers. Three typical shaped pattern synthesis examples are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. A cylindrical array prototype with 24 rotated U-slot loaded patch antennas is fabricated and measured for practical validation.
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