Anti-globalization Movements: Alter-global vs Ethno-centric

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The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, 2022, 2, 1, pp. 1-10
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A wide range of social movements have mobilized against the recent waves of globalization. These challenges have come from two main directions. First, “alterglobal” movements have called for “alternative” globalizations, led by people's aspirations rather than by dominant corporate interests. Second, a range of “ethnocentric” movements have asserted ethnic, national, and communal identifications, rejecting globalizing forces. This entry outlines research into how social movements have contested globalization, across these positions. It outlines how anti-globalization movements have been conceptualized, whether as mobilizing cultural, institutional, or material sources of power. It reflects on dynamics in the conflict between alterglobal and ethnocentric tendencies.
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