The Dynamic Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms for Online Dynamic Social Networks

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2022, 34, (6), pp. 2962-2974
Issue Date:
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Networks that constantly transmit information and change structure are becoming increasingly prevalent. However, traditional privacy models are designed to protect static information, such as records in a database or a person's profile information, which seldom changes. This conflict between static models and dynamic environments is dramatically hindering the effectiveness and efficiency of privacy preservation in today's dynamic world. Hence, in this paper, we formally define the concept of dynamic privacy, present two novel perspectives, privacy propagation and accumulation, on the way private information can spread through dynamic cyberspace, and develop associated theories and mechanisms for preserving privacy in advanced complex networks, such as social networking sites where data are constantly being released, shared, and exchanged.
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