Pauline McLeod: The Magpie who became a Swan - finding salvation in culture

ANU E Press and Aboriginal History Incorporated
Publication Type:
Luckhurst Simon 2008, 'Pauline McLeod: The Magpie who became a Swan - finding salvation in culture', , ANU E Press and Aboriginal History Incorporated, ACT, Australia, , pp. 159-175.
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Pauline McLeod was an Aboriginal performer, writer and storyteller who, at the time of her death at the age of 43 in 2003, left an archive of 34 boxes of writing: poems, diaries, notes, playscripts, film ideas and letters. Amongst the completed scripts and story drafts were also many examples of jotted notes and ideas, phrases and paragraphs, mostly undated. Also amidst the ephemera of her life were bus tickets, electricity bills and birthday cards, as well as a few letters, reports and reviews pertaining to Pauline but authored by other people. After she died her brothers cleared her flat, packing her things into the boxes. They were hoping that someone would use this material to tell Pauline?s life story, and after being contacted by a mutual friend I have now spent some time working on the project.
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