c<sup>3</sup>-Locally Testable Codes from Lossless Expanders

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings, 2022, 2022-June, pp. 1175-1180
Issue Date:
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c3-Locally_Testable_Codes_from_Lossless_Expanders.pdfPublished version980.45 kB
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A locally testable code (LTC) is an error correcting code with a property tester. The tester tests if a word is a codeword by reading constant random bits and rejects the word with probability proportional to the distance from the word to the closest codeword. An important open question until recently is whether there exist c3-LTCs which are LTCs with a constant rate, constant relative distance, and constant locality. In this work, we construct a new LTC family using 1-sided lossless expanders and balanced products.
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