A Fuzzy Multistage Control Model for Stable Sustainable Agricultural Regional Development

Springer Nature
Publication Type:
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2022, 415, pp. 299-329
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We propose a further extension of a multistage fuzzy control model of stable sustainable regional agriculture development that involves an additional capacity to reflect a stability requirement which addresses a clear preference of the stakeholders for a limited variability of crucial development indicators and parameters. We presented the use of fuzzy dynamic programming for solving the problem in which many crucial aspects, in particular life quality indicators, are subject to objective, by the authorities, and subjective, by the inhabitants, evaluations which are closely related to human perception and cognitive abilities. This model is then augmented with a requirement of a limited variability of crucial development indicators, parameters, etc. For illustration, we have shown a simple example in which the problem is to determine the best (optimal) investment policy under different development scenarios, and subject to objective and subjective evaluations.
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