Multi-band SIW Cavity Based Metamaterial Perfect Absorber

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 2022, 2021-November, pp. 347-349
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Multi-band_SIW_Cavity_Based_Metamaterial_Perfect_Absorber.pdfPublished version2.65 MB
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Absorbing ambient electromagnetic (EM) signals is required in some applications such as energy harvesting and sensing. Metamaterial perfect absorbers (MPAs) are a promising candidate to absorb the EM signal with near-unity efficiency. However, designing a structure with multi absorption bands is still challenging among researchers due to the requiring multi-layer and multi-resonators structures. Herein, a multi-band MPA based on SIW cavity structure is introduced. Taking advantage of various resonance modes of the cavity at higher order, a low-profile, highly efficient, and easy to implement MPA is achieved. In addition, the proposed structure is completely polarization angle insensitive, which is crucial to have a highly efficient EM waves absorber.
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