Thermodynamics from a few dynamic particles raises questions as to how temperature and entropy should be perceived and defined

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2007, 7 pp. 241 - 250
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Copyright © 2007 by ASME. In a recently developed simple particle mechanics model, in which a single particle represents the working fluid, (gas) in a heat engine, (exemplified by a piston engine) a new approach was outlined for the teaching of concepts to thermodynamic students. By mechanics reasoning, a model was developed that demonstrates the connection between the Carnot efficiency limitation of heat engines, and the Kelvin-Planck statement of Second Law, requiring only the truth of the Clausius statement. In a second paper the model was extended to introduce entropy. The particle's entropy was defined as a function of its kinetic energy, and the space that it occupies, that is analogous to that normally found in classical macroscopic analyses. In this paper, questions are raised and addressed: How should temperature and entropy be perceived and defined? Should temperature be proportional to average (molecular) translational kinetic energy and should entropy be dimensionless?
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