Modeling User Demand Evolution for Next-basket Prediction

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2022, PP, (99), pp. 1-14
Issue Date:
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Users' purchase behaviors are complex and dynamic, which are usually driven by various personal demands evolving with time. According to psychology and economic theories, user demands can be satisfied with a sequence of purchase behaviors, resulting in a basket of items. However, most of the existing works simply predict the next basket from a shallow perspective of (purchase) sequence data modeling without deep insight into the underlying factors which drive user purchase behaviors. In fact, filling a basket with multiple items is a process to incrementally satisfy a user's demand. Therefore, the key challenges to predict a user's next basket lie in (1) how to track the changes of the user's demand, and (2) how to satisfy her demand at a given moment. To this end, we propose an Evolving DEmand SAtisfaction (EvoDESA) model to model a user's demand evolution for next-basket prediction. In EvoDESA, a demand evolution module learns the dynamics of user demand over a sequence of basket-purchase behaviors. Then, a next-basket planning module effectively packs an optimal combination of items to best satisfy the user's current demand. Extensive experiments on three real-world transaction datasets demonstrate the considerable superiority of EvoDESA over the state-of-the-art approaches.
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