Security-Aware and Privacy-Preserving Personal Health Record Sharing using Consortium Blockchain

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9, (14), pp. 12014-12028
Issue Date:
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With the fast boom of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) devices and an increasing focus on personal health, personal health data are extensively collected by IoMT and stored as personal health records (PHRs). PHRs are frequently shared for accurate diagnosis, prognosis prediction, health advice consulting, etc. Since PHRs are highly private, the data sharing process leads to wide-ranging concerns on privacy leakage and security compromise. Existing research has shown that the centralized systems, as the mainstream mode, are under the great risks. Motivated by this, we propose a consortium blockchain based PHR management and sharing scheme, which is both security-aware and privacy-preserving. We adopt the interplanetary file system (IPFS) to store PHR ciphertext of IoMT. Then, Zero-knowledge proof can provide evidence for verifying keyword index authentication on blockchain. Moreover, the scheme jointly leverages modified attribute-based cryptographic primitives and tailor-made smart contracts to achieve secure search, privacy preservation, and personalized access control in IoMT scenarios. Security analysis is conducted to show the designed protocols attain the expected design goals. This is followed by extensive evaluation results derived from real-world datasets, which demonstrate the superiority of the proposed scheme over current leading ones.
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