Review of binder jetting 3D printing in the construction industry

Springer Nature
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2022, 7, (4), pp. 643-669
Issue Date:
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Binder jetting (inkjet), featured by the dripping of liquid on the powder-based layer for solidification and bonding, is the second most popular 3D printing (3DP) technology for the construction industry. Therefore, an overview of this technology is necessary for both industry and academia. The paper discussed the most suitable materials for the construction industry which can be used in binder jetting 3DP. Attention was given not only to the selection of the materials but also the printing process and challenges that might face the printing process and post-processing stages, with an emphasis on sustainability and suitability. The whole process of printing gypsum, cement and geopolymer mortar, clay, chipped wood and sand materials through the binder jetting technique has been summarized, followed by curing and post-processing to achieve desirable mechanical properties. Finally, an informative approach was introduced for the scale-up of binder jetting 3DP in the construction industry.
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