Pyrolysis of oil palm wastes for bioenergy in Malaysia: A review

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022, 164
Issue Date:
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Oil palm wastes (OPWs) are important biomass resources, and approximately 127 million tons of OPWs are generated from the oil palm industry annually in Malaysia. The scientific and reasonable utilization of OPWs is essential to economic and environmental sustainability in the country. Pyrolysis is a mature and revolutionary technology that can convert OPWs into biofuel. The conversion of OPWs into biofuel is in accordance with the national conditions of Malaysia and can simultaneously address the problems of fossil fuel shortage and environmental deterioration. Therefore, Malaysia is the most active country in the research of OPWs pyrolysis and has achieved fruitful results. Bio-oil produced from the catalytic co-pyrolysis of OPWs with hydrogen-rich materials exhibits remarkable fuel properties. Biochar generated from OPWs pyrolysis presents huge application potential as an absorbent, catalyst, soil conditioner, and carbon sequestration agent. Consequently, the paper provides a comprehensive review of OPWs pyrolysis and lays the foundation for the exploitation of OPWs resources.
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