Optimizing High-Speed Mobile Networks with Smart Collaborative Theory

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Wireless Communications, 2022, 29, (3), pp. 48-54
Issue Date:
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Although the vision of cognitive and intelligent Internet of Things is fascinating, it is still challenging to maximize its advantages in high-speed mobile networks. In this article, critical obstacles, including inflexible interactions, unreliable connections, and inefficient computations, are focused to establish a better communication solution. First, a concept named mobile-aware resource sharing (MARS) is proposed with straightforward motivation based on smart collaborative theory. Second, inspired by moving velocity and processing capacity, the design details and corresponding optimizations are analyzed from multiple per-spectives. Third, the implementation procedures are introduced to establish slight cooperations, stable associations, and strong virtualizations by considering specific features of fog, edge, and cloud zones. Fourth, both the functionality and performance are validated and discussed in a complex environment. The comparison results illustrate desirable improvements in critical latency and available bandwidth aspects. We expect MARS will be beneficial for both information and transportation communities within the smart city.
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