Virtual Futures: A Manifesto for Immersive Experiences

IGI Global
Publication Type:
Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media, 2019, pp. 1-9
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1. Virtual-Futures -A-Manifesto-for-Immersive-Experiences.pdfPublished version464.9 kB
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In this chapter, the author explores how immersive media experiences might lend themselves to examina- tions of pathways to a preferred future. After surveying a number of immersive media projects—some that have dealt with environmental and social issues and some on broader topics—the author identifies a number of affordances of the form. These affordances are crafted into a ‘virtual futures manifesto’, or a set of guidelines for the commissioning and creation of such works. The manifesto points include 1) stage an encounter; 2) be wild: bewilderment is powerful; 3) move from being to doing; 4) embody the future; and 5) care: the participants matter. It is hoped that immersive media experiences that consider these points may assist audiences in imagining pathways to preferred futures.
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