One-Shot Point-to-Point Channel Simulation

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings, 2022, 2022-June, pp. 796-801
Issue Date:
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One-Shot_Point-to-Point_Channel_Simulation_MARCO_TOMAMICHEL.pdfPublished version1.02 MB
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We study the problem of one-shot channel simulation of DMCs with unlimited shared randomness. For any fixed tolerance measured in total variational distance, we propose an achievability bound and a converse bound on the size of the code to simulate the channel. The achievability bound utilizes the convex split lemma, whereas the converse bound is the result of the relationships between smoothed max-divergences and the max-mutual information. The achievability proof does not rely on a "universal state"(compared with some previous related works), and provides a tighter bound. Using the two bounds, we also provide an alternative proof to the reverse Shannon theorem.
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