Feed Mismatch Due to Reflectors Revisited

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022, 70, (8), pp. 7164-7168
Issue Date:
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An expression for the reflection coefficient in a feed resulting from scattering from a neighboring reflector is derived from the reaction theorem. This expression includes the influence of an external interfering source as well. An asymptotic formula for this reflection coefficient is derived, which simplifies for an arbitrary shaped symmetrical reflector. This formula is shown to be accurate to second order. For a paraboloid this is identical to one derived by Silver except for an additional 180-deg. phase factor. Results are given for a parent parabola, one loaded with a cone at its vertex and another for a reflector that is shaped to minimize reflection while maintaining efficiency over a 20% bandwidth. The effect of an interfering on-axis source on the mismatch is described through an asymptotic approximation.
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