Drone-vs-Bird Detection Challenge at ICIAP 2021

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Image Analysis and Processing. ICIAP 2022 Workshops, 2022, 13374 LNCS, pp. 410-421
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This paper reports the results of the 5th edition of the “Drone-vs-Bird” detection challenge, organized within the 21st International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP). By taking as input video samples recorded by common cameras, the aim of the challenge is to devise advanced approaches aimed at spotlighting the presence of drones flying in the monitored area, while limiting the number of wrong alarms raised when similar flying entities such as birds suddenly appear in the scene. To this end, a number of important issues such as the dynamic variations in the scene and the background/foreground motion effects should be carefully considered, so as to allow the proposed solutions to correctly identify drones only when they are actually present. The paper summarizes the novel algorithms proposed by the four participating teams that succeeded in providing satisfactory detection performance on the 2022 challenge dataset.
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